Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mangosteen 101

What is mangosteen?

Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), known as the "Queen of All Fruits," is considered to be one of the best tasting fruits in the world. This rare fruit, when ripe, is about the size of a mandarin orange, has a juicy white flesh and is encased in a thick reddish-purple rind. The fruit itself is sweet with a hint of acidity, often described as having a deep grape/strawberry-like flavor.

Where is mangosteen currently being cultivated?

Mangosteen cultivation is currently limited to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Philippines and other warm, tropical countries. It has remained primarily in Southeast Asia partly due to its strict climatic requirements and the fact that the fruit, although encased in a thick rind, remains edible for only a short period of time. In addition to that, mangosteen seeds are difficult to plant because they quickly lose their viability. Consequently, the number of trees that get successfully cultivated every year is very low.